About roles and permissions

Role: Company Administrator.

Whispir users are assigned roles at two levels:

  • Company level: Company Member, Company Leader, Company Administrator or Company Guest
  • Workspace level: Workspace Member, Workspace Leader or Workspace Guest.

A user has only one company-level role, which is assigned automatically when their account is created. But they can have multiple workspace roles if they’re assigned to multiple workspaces. For example, they may be a Workspace Member in 2 workspaces and a Workspace Leader in a third one.

All roles and role names are standard across all Whispir instances. You can’t rename a role or create additional ones.

Each role has its own permissions configuration. Permissions determine the functions a user can access and the actions they can perform either across the Whispir platform or within a particular workspace.

Important! As a company administrator you can modify the permissions for any role, which will affect all users with that role at either the company level or at the workspace level. Given the potentially significant impact on users, we recommend that you contact the Whispir Support Team (support@whispir.com) to discuss your requirements before making any changes.

The default company-level and workspace-level roles assigned to all users are configured on the Company Permissions page. If you need to adjust an individual user’s roles you do that on the View/Edit Company Users page. See Configure global company permissions and Change a user’s company or workspace role.

Company-level role Access at the company level

Company Member

Basic privileges

Company Leader

Additional administrative privileges

Company Administrator

Full control

Company Guest

A special group of privileges for guest users


Workspace-level role Access at the workspace level

Workspace Member

Basic privileges

Workspace Leader

Additional administrative privileges, such as adding users to the workspace, and setting up and maintaining the workspace

Workspace Guest

A special group of privileges for guest users

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