Create a new workspace

Follow the steps below to create a new workspace.


  1. On the Workspace toolbar click the workspace selector button and click Create new workspace.
    The New Workspace page opens.
  2. In the Name field enter a name for the workspace.
  3. In the Description field enter a description.
  4. In the Billing Cost Centre field enter a value.
  5. Click Save.
    You’re automatically redirected to your new workspace and you’re assigned the role of Workspace Leader.

Note: All company administrators might also be given automatic access to this workspace. This setting is configured on the Company Permissions page. See Configure global company permissions.

  1. If required (and if your Whispir role allows you to), assign other users to the workspace. You can also copy, move or map templates and contacts from other workspaces to finalise the creation of the workspace.

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